Dental Sealants, Protect Your Smile

Dental sealants are a cost-effective, non-invasive and safe treatment used to protect teeth from decay. They work by covering the teeth in a plastic coating to create a physical barrier blocking harmful bacteria. This physical barrier helps to prevent further damage and decay from occurring, making it a great preventative measure.

Why Are Dental Sealants Used?

Dental sealants are used on the back teeth, or molars. The surfaces of these teeth have grooves that are designed to help you chew more effectively, but this unfortunately makes them vulnerable to damage and decay. These fissures can be difficult to clean as toothbrush bristles are often too thick to fit inside them, meaning they are frequently missed during brushing. Plaque and harmful biofilm can build up inside the fissures, resulting in dental problems like decay and cavities.

Dental sealants cover these grooved and pitted areas in a smooth, natural-looking plastic coating, helping prevent bacteria from building up in those hard-to-clean places.

Who Are Dental Sealants Suitable For?

Both children and adults can access dental sealants if they are deemed suitable by their dentist. Decay does not discriminate, so everyone is at risk, no matter their age. Sealants are a great option to consider for anyone looking to protect their teeth from future problems.

There are a few instances where dental sealants are used more routinely. They are as follows:

For Children

Dental decay is more likely to occur in new molars that have not fully mineralised, so protecting them as soon as possible is important. For this reason, it is recommended that sealants are applied as soon as the molars have fully erupted. Placing the barrier early on can help prevent damage to the patient’s new adult teeth.

Around the age of 6, children lose their milk teeth and their adult teeth begin to emerge. This is a great time to consider dental sealants, as the first ten years are when their teeth are most vulnerable to decay.

For Those With Sensitive Teeth

Sealants can be a great solution for those with sensitive teeth also. Having sensitive teeth can make normal eating and drinking an uncomfortable experience. Any dental pain experienced should never be ignored and it’s always important to get it checked out by a professional. By covering access to any exposed roots and nerve endings, sealants can protect sensitive areas, reducing pain and discomfort.

Overall, dental sealants is a treatment option that is protective in more ways than one, defending against decay and safeguarding sensitive areas.

Are Dental Sealants Expensive?

Dental sealants are cost-effective in the sense that they are a preventative measure. They reduce the risk of future dental problems, and can save a patient from more costly and painful procedures down the line.

It’s important to discuss any treatment options with your dentist before committing to a procedure. During your next appointment, your dentist will be able to assess your suitability for dental sealants, and provide you with an appropriate treatment plan.

What Can I Expect From My Dental Sealants Appointment?

The process of getting dental sealants is quick and painless. First, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned before a special gel is applied which slightly roughens the surface. The teeth are then rinsed and dried. After that, the sealant is painted on and hardened using either UV light or air. Sealants can be clear, white, or slightly tinted but they usually cannot be seen once in place. They are made to be as natural-looking as possible whilst also being incredibly effective.

Patients must be able to sit still with their mouths open for a period of time in order to receive the treatment. For this reason, the treatment might not be suitable for very young children.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

When in place and maintained with proper care, dental sealants can last between 5 and 10 years. Your dentist will monitor the condition of your sealants during your regular check-ups to check for any wear and tear and ensure longevity. Sealants can sometimes come away, leaving the tooth exposed, but they are quick and easy to replace. This makes regular checkups and thorough dental care even more important.

You can help your dentist to catch and prevent problems quickly by booking a check-up every six months, as recommended by The Oral Health Foundation.

Think You Or Your Child Could Benefit From Dental Sealants?

Book a consultation with our team of experts today! During your appointment, we’ll answer any questions that you may have about Dental Sealants, assess your suitability for the treatment, and give you a quote.

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